Red Hills, Chennai – 52.

(Dorcas Tailoring Institute)

Remote area women’s human rights are violated.They do not have an understanding of what is the right, what is the violation, and how to prevent the violence. Also there is no place and organziations for women to go to. Therefore, it requires to deliver service to prevent and protect women in remote areas.

It should be noted that alcoholism, poverty, and education levels are contributing factors to violence against women rather than the fundamental causes of it.   Negative assumptions, prejudice and eagerness for more power enshrined in the cultural values and practices reflecting patriarchy are the fundamental cause of violence against women.


 Why should IVCMF Intervene?

  • Women are more sensitive and more affecting in violence as there is no firm system on family matters.
  • The cultural values and practices that male dominance over women is serving more than adopted legislation.
  • Many young unwedded mothers go to the point of committing suicide.

What IVCMF Does?

This project is to develop strategies to combat the deprivation of social privileges to the women inextreme poverty, conflict situation, marital violence, domestic violence and who are displaced from employment, deserted, Indulged in prostitution, single and unwedded mothers.

IVCM Foundation will try to reach the above mentioned victims of social evils and try to reconstruct their lives without the marks of their past by bringing them to the Women Empowerment Centre, Red Hills, Chennai – 52, through its Dorcas Tailoring Institute.


  • Creating awareness and needed support of the Legal judicial system which is made more responsive and gender sensitive to women’s needs.
  • Counselling the young women in conflict situation.
  • Giving vocational training at the Centre to be self reliant.
  • Building their character and moral integrity by giving training and orientation at the centre.